Opt-Out of Information Sharing [ updated: 2025/02/17 ]
# Company Address1 Address2 City/State/Zip
1Aetna IncorporatedOpt-Out Department151 Farmington AvenueHartford, CT 06156
2Citibank South Dakota, NAProcessing CenterCN 3178South Hackensack NJ 07606
3Bank of America CorporationCustomer Information OperationsPost Office Box 27025Richmond, VA 23261-7025
4CitibankProcessing CenterCN 3178South Hackensack NJ 07606
5Citizens Financial Group, IncorporatedOpt-Out Department1 Citizens DriveRiverside RI 02915
6Comcast CorporationLaw Department - Customer Privacy Notice1500 Market StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19102-2148
7Choicepoint IncorporatedOpt-Out Department1000 Alderman DriveAlpharetta, GA 30005
8Discover Financial Services LLCCustomer ServicePost Office Box 30961Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0961
9Direct Marketing AssociationMail Preference ServicePost Office Box 643Carmel, NY 10512
10DirecTVPrivacy PolicyPost Office Box 29079Glendale, CA 91209-9079
11Equifax IncorporatedOpt-Out DepartmentPost Office Box 740123Atlanta, GA 30374-0123
12ExperianConsumer Opt-Out701 Experian ParkwayAllen, TX 75013
13Hewitt Associates IncorporatedOpt-Out Department100 Half Day RoadLincolnshire, IL 60069
14Hartford Financial Services Group IncorporatedOpt-Out DepartmentPost Office Box 5025Hartford, CT 06102-5025
15Innovis Data SolutionsConsumer Opt Out250 East Town StreetColumbus, Ohio 43215
16Lexisnexis GroupOpt-OutPost Office Box 933Dayton, OH 45401
17Macy`s, IncorporatedConsumer Opt-OutPost Office Box 8067Mason, OH 45040
18Medco HealthPrivacy Services UnitPost Office Box 800Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417
19MetLife, IncorporatedMetLife Customer Privacy CenterPost Office Box 981399El Paso, TX 79999
20Northeast UtilitiesOpt-Out DepartmentPost Office Box 360Manchester, NH 03105-0360
21New York Life Insurance CompanyOpt-Out Department51 Madison Avenue, Suite 3200New York, NY 10010
22Sears Holdings CorporationCredit Card ServicesPost Office Box 6923The Lakes, NV 88901
23Trans Union CorporationTransUnion Name Removal OptionPost Office Box 505Woodlyn, PA 19094
24Vonage Holdings CorporationOpt-Out Department,Vonage Holdings Corp.23 Main StreetHolmdel, NJ 07733
25Verizon CommunicationsAttn: CPNI Opt-Out1095 Avenue of the AmericasNew York NY 10036
26Wells Fargo & CompanyOpt-Out Department420 Montgomery StreetSan Francisco, CA 94104
Account CEOs and Mailing Addresses [ updated: 2025/02/17 ]
# Company Top Level Executive Title
1Aetna IncorporatedRonald A. WilliamsChairman and Chief Executive Officer
2Citibank South Dakota, NAKen StorkPresident
3Bank of America CorporationKenneth D. LewisChairman, Chief Executive Officer and President
4CitibankRobert E. RubinChairman
5Citizens Financial Group, IncorporatedLawrence K. FishChairman
6Comcast CorporationBrian L. RobertsChairman, Chief Exec. Officer, President of Comcast Holdings Corp.
7Choicepoint IncorporatedDerek V. SmithChairman and Chief Executive Officer
8Discover Financial Services LLCDavid W. NelmsChief Executive Officer
9Direct Marketing AssociationJohn A. Greco, Jr.President and CEO
10DirecTVKeith Rupert MurdochChairman and Chief Executive Officer
11Equifax IncorporatedRichard F. SmithChairman and Chief Executive Officer
12ExperianChris CalleroChief Executive Officer Experian Americas
13Hewitt Associates IncorporatedRussell P. FradinChairman and Chief Executive Officer
14Hartford Financial Services Group IncorporatedRamani AyerChairman and Chief Executive Officer
15Innovis Data SolutionsWilliam PriceChief Executive Officer and President
16Lexisnexis GroupKurt P. SanfordPresident and CEO, U.S. Corporate and Federal Government Markets
17Macy`s, IncorporatedTerry J. LundgrenChairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
18Medco HealthDavid B. Snow Jr.Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
19MetLife, IncorporatedC. Robert HenriksonChairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
20Northeast UtilitiesCharles W. ShiveryChairman and Chief Executive Officer
21New York Life Insurance CompanySy SternbergChairman and Chief Executive Officer
22Sears Holdings CorporationAylwin B. LewisChief Executive Officer and President
23Trans Union CorporationDavid EmeryChief Operating Officer
24Vonage Holdings CorporationJeffrey CitronFounder, Chairman, Interim Chief Exec. Officer and Chief Strategist
25Verizon CommunicationsIvan G. SeidenbergChairman and Chief Executive Officer
26Wells Fargo & CompanyRichard M. KovacevichChairman
# Company Address1 Address2 City/State/Zip
1Aetna IncorporatedCorporate Offices151 Farmington AvenueHartford, CT 06156
2Citibank South Dakota, NAAT&T Universal Rewards Card701 E 60th St NSioux Falls, SD 57104-0432
3Bank of America CorporationBank of America Corporate Center100 North Tryon StreetCharlotte, NC 28255
4CitibankCorporate Offices399 Park AvenueNew York, NY 10043
5Citizens Financial Group, IncorporatedCorporate OfficesOne Citizens PlazaProvidence, Rhode Island 02903
6Comcast CorporationCorporate Offices1500 Market StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19102-2148
7Choicepoint IncorporatedCorporate Offices1000 Alderman DriveAlpharetta, GA 30005
8Discover Financial Services LLCCorporate Offices2500 Lake Cook RoadRiverwoods, IL 60015
9Direct Marketing AssociationCorporate Headquarters1120 Avenue of the AmericasNew York, NY 10036-6700
10DirecTVCorporate Offices2230 East Imperial HighwayEl Segundo, CA 90245
11Equifax IncorporatedCorporate Offices1550 Peachtree Street NWAtlanta, GA 30309
12ExperianCorporate Offices475 Anton Blvd.Costa Mesa, CA 92626
13Hewitt Associates IncorporatedCorporate Offices100 Half Day RoadLincolnshire, IL 60069
14Hartford Financial Services Group IncorporatedCorporate OfficesHartford PlazaHartford, CT 06115-1900
15Innovis Data SolutionsCorporate Offices250 East Town StreetColumbus, Ohio 43215
16Lexisnexis GroupU.S. Region HeadquartersPost Office Box 933Dayton, Ohio 45401-0933
17Macy`s, IncorporatedCorporate Offices7 West 7th StreetCincinnati, OH 45202
18Medco HealthCorporate Offices100 Parsons Pond DriveFranklin Lakes, NJ 07417-2603
19MetLife, IncorporatedCorporate Offices200 Park AvenueNew York, NY 10166-0188
20Northeast UtilitiesOne Federal StreetBuilding 111-4Springfield, MA 01105
21New York Life Insurance CompanyCorporate Offices51 Madison Avenue, Suite 3200New York, NY 10010
22Sears Holdings CorporationCorporate Offices3333 Beverly RoadHoffman Estates, IL 60179
23Trans Union CorporationCorporate Offices555 W. Adams St.Chicago, IL 60661-3614
24Vonage Holdings CorporationVonage Holdings Corporation23 Main StreetHolmdel, NJ 07733
25Verizon Communications1095 Avenue of the Americas36th FloorNew York, NY 10036
26Wells Fargo & CompanyWells Fargo & Company420 Montgomery StreetSan Francisco, CA 94104
Applicable Line of Business List [ updated: 2025/02/17 ]
# Company More Information Line of Business
1Aetna IncorporatedAhealth insurance
2Citibank South Dakota, NAATTcredit card services
3Bank of America CorporationBACcredit card services
4CitibankCcredit card services
5Citizens Financial Group, IncorporatedCFGbanking services
6Comcast CorporationCMCSAcable television and high speed Internet services
7Choicepoint IncorporatedCPSthird party personal information marketing service
8Discover Financial Services LLCDFScredit card services
9Direct Marketing AssociationDMAthird party personal information marketing service
10DirecTVDTVsatellite television services
11Equifax IncorporatedEFXthird party credit reporting agency and personal information marketing services
12ExperianEXPthird party credit reporting agency and personal information marketing services
13Hewitt Associates IncorporatedHEWthird party personal information management and marketing services
14Hartford Financial Services Group IncorporatedHIGautomobile and property insurance
15Innovis Data SolutionsINOthird party credit reporting agency and personal information marketing services
16Lexisnexis GroupLNthird party personal information marketing services
17Macy`s, IncorporatedMcredit card services
18Medco HealthMEDCOprescription drug insurance
19MetLife, IncorporatedMETdental insurance
20Northeast UtilitiesNUelecric power services
21New York Life Insurance CompanyNYLlife insurance
22Sears Holdings CorporationSHLDcredit card services
23Trans Union CorporationTUthird party credit reporting agency and personal information marketing services
24Vonage Holdings CorporationVGlocal and long distance telephone services
25Verizon CommunicationsVZlocal and long distance telephone services
26Wells Fargo & CompanyWFCfinancial services company
Why is a Privacy Notice necessary?
Sample letters to send to Opt-Out of third-party personal information sharing.
This list of Opt-Out mailing addresses